If you plan on building a house yourself, deal with professionals. The last thing you want is delays and costly construction supplies going to waste as a result of a builder struggling to find his way in the dark.
Find out how long the builder has been in the business and how many projects he's been in charge of. Considering the fact that a builder must be able to manage workers, use building supplies responsibly and finish the project within a given time, managerial and business skills are as important as building skills. You can also ask the builder about other projects he's been involved in and contact former clients to find out whether they were satisfied with the work.
Find out how long the builder has been in the business and how many projects he's been in charge of. Considering the fact that a builder must be able to manage workers, use building supplies responsibly and finish the project within a given time, managerial and business skills are as important as building skills. You can also ask the builder about other projects he's been involved in and contact former clients to find out whether they were satisfied with the work.
"Visit the site regularly to make sure that the work is being done properly."
It would be wise to make sure that the builder is insured against injury as well as non-completion and confirm all the terms of your agreement in writing. The bare minimum that you should include in the written agreement is the exact work to be done, the date that construction should commence, when the project must be completed and what the builder is to be paid. Also agree on a modus operandi should the builder not deliver the goods.
Last but not least, never simply wash you hands of the project once a builder has been appointed. Visit the site regularly to make sure that the work is being done properly. It is your property and you have every right to be informed and to query things that bother you. Some builders seem keenly aware that most of their customers have no clue when it comes to separating quality from shoddy construction. People easily confuse gimmicks and frills with quality construction. Don't be hoodwinked! If you are unsure, call on some experts for advice.
Last but not least, never simply wash you hands of the project once a builder has been appointed. Visit the site regularly to make sure that the work is being done properly. It is your property and you have every right to be informed and to query things that bother you. Some builders seem keenly aware that most of their customers have no clue when it comes to separating quality from shoddy construction. People easily confuse gimmicks and frills with quality construction. Don't be hoodwinked! If you are unsure, call on some experts for advice.